About the author


Jill Purdy

Dr. Jill Purdy is Professor of Management at the Milgard School of Business at the University of Washington Tacoma. She was the founding director of the school’s MBA program and its Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility. After serving as dean of the business school and chief academic officer of the UW Tacoma campus, she returned to the faculty and founded the Entrepreneurship Center that she now directs. Jill has been honored with UW Tacoma’s Distinguished Community Engagement award.

Jill’s research examines how collaboration and entrepreneurship can generate innovative and sustainable solutions to challenging problems. She explores these issues through the lenses of power, governance, and complex adaptive systems. She is coauthor of the book Collaborating for Our Future: Multistakeholder Partnerships for Solving Complex Problems. Her research is published in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.  

Jill is a trained mediator who has offered education and facilitation to groups addressing environmental challenges across North America. She has served as a Fulbright Fellow in Iceland and as visiting faculty at Aalto University in Finland.

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Jill Purdy

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